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MECERP Town Hall Meeting

February 18th, 2025

MECERP Town Hall Meeting

Join Us for a MECERP Town Hall Meeting!

The Town of Wiscasset invites all residents, business owners, and officials to a Town Hall meeting to discuss exciting new developments. This event will provide an opportunity to learn about the town's participation in the Maine Community Energy Redevelopment Program (MECERP) and the potential development of two town-owned sites: Birch Point and Old Ferry Road.

Date: Wednesday, March 12th

Time: 6:30 pm

Location: Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission (LRPC)’s Office, 297 Bath Rd, Wiscasset, ME 04578

Join Zoom Meeting,, Meeting ID: 863 5690 0952

Through MECERP, Wiscasset is exploring ways to stimulate economic activity and create family-sustaining jobs by leveraging existing energy infrastructure assets. MECERP has offered the Town technical assistance to help our community develop action plans and identify funding sources for these projects.

Come and join the conversation! Your participation is valuable as we work together to shape Wiscasset's future. We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Aaron Chrostowsky, Economic Development Director, at