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Comprehensive Plan Survey Deadline on June 30, 2024

June 18th, 2024

Comprehensive Plan Survey Deadline on June 30, 2024

Comprehensive Plan Survey Deadline on June 30, 2024

If you haven’t completed the Comprehensive Plan Survey, there is still time to make your voice heard.

 Participating in the survey is easy and convenient. Visit to access the online survey platform. The survey closes on June 30, 2024. If you complete the survey, you can enter your name into a raffle for a gift certificate to a local restaurant (your answers will not be connected to your name).

Additionally, printed copies of the survey will be available at the Town Office, Community Center, and the Library, allowing those without internet access to participate.

Whether you're a long-time resident, a newcomer, a business owner, or someone who loves our town, your perspective is invaluable. By sharing your thoughts and priorities, you can help us address important issues, seize opportunities, and create a vision for Wiscasset that reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.

Stay tuned for more opportunities to share your input, including public workshops in person and over Zoom.

We appreciate your commitment to our community and willingness to contribute to this important planning process. Your input is the key to our success!