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The Town shall have a Budget Committee. The Wiscasset Budget Committee hereinafter ("the Committee") shall be composed of nine members who are residents of Wiscasset, each serving a three year term, three of whom shall be appointed by the Selectboard for staggered three year terms. In the event of a vacancy in the membership or if any member of the Committee during his term of office shall die, become incapacitated, resign, cease to be a resident of Wiscasset, or fail to serve, such failure to be determined by decision of the Selectbaord upon report of 4 members of the Committee, the Selectboard shall promptly appoint a person to serve the remainder of said term. The Budget Committee is to inquire into and consider an article to be considered before any annual or special town meeting which provides for the bowwowing, raising, transferring, and/or appropriation of any sum of money and make a recommendation to the town. 

Boards & Committees membership application; Boards & Committees online application